Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Anything need evidence, right?

Session :  3 
Time      :  2 PM till 3.30 PM
By          : Chris
And it was nearly end of the day!!! Yeay !!! Frankly I am tired to digest all valuable information since the first day of the course. But thinking of the end of the day and it was my favourite topic; I tried my best to stay awake until the end of the session. I am very keen in teaching and learning assessment, the topic for third session of the day stimulates my interest.
Initially, I thought this topic will focus on how assessment can be a tool to correct mistakes done by the students particularly in language. I was nearly correct with some enhancements.
            Dealing with assessment and error correction are the important stage of acquiring the concept of CLIL in the classroom. It does not base on the language solely but the content too.  However, teachers and learners should understand their roles from implement it. As what was done in the pre task activity, teachers might have different reasons to assess the students. They should know what their focus, either language, content or both. When preparing the task, the instruction should be clear and understood well by the students. As what happened to us during completing Worksheet 1, to identify the statements related what to focus for the assessment. I think if we know who the students are then we didn’t get confused so much.
            The learners should learn from the assessment, able to enhance their knowledge and apply in their daily routine. The evaluation should help the students to use their cognitive, practical and communicative skills. I believe every lesson in the classroom benefits the learners if teachers are aware what they want.
            Error correction can be done in three ways; teacher- correction, peer correction and self- correction. All these corrections can be applied in different kinds of learning situations based in tasks given, level of the students and other factors. I would like to know more about the self- correction which I think it is quite impossible to carry out in my classroom where the students are average and need to have a lot of direction before ask them to do my their own.
This session is interesting session where we are exposed to the important of setting up the purposes of assessment before carrying out and able to help the learners to practice specific skills. It ensures both parties; teachers and learners benefit the assessment session. Most importantly, assessment shouldn’t be as frightening as before.

I think it should have more discussion on the real practice in the Malaysia classrooms compare to just discussion on general practice. Perhaps, the trainee should state their own assessment and the other might guess as a complement activity for Worksheet 1.

Written by,
Zarina Bt Hashim
Politeknik Kota Bharu

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